Living Nature 创立于 1987 年。 它是一个公认的专注于研究开发安全,纯天然,美容护肤产品的新西兰品牌。 我们的护肤类和化妆类产品的配方全部萃取于新西兰独特地貌的独特原料,绝无任何人造或化学添加。众所周知接受大自然的馈赠会让我们变得更好,尤其是针对于改善痘肌和油性肌肤,并且给干性和敏感性皮肤补充必要的营养和水分,而达到舒缓肌肤的作用。

我们的产品的优势显而易见,会给您安全感并且独特可靠 。通过德国的 BDIH 和 EWG 化妆品及成分安全数据库 的评估,我们被评选为全世界最安全和最天然的美容护肤品牌之一。我们很荣幸通过以下商家把我们的品牌介绍给您和您在中国的家人和朋友。并且我们提供新西兰直邮中国服务。我们诚挚的欢迎您分享我们这个独一无二的新西兰品牌。
Edira, 2A Ruru St, Eden Terrace, Auckland www.xlhnz.com
Living Comfy, Henderson, Auckland www.livingcomfy.co.nz
Blockhouse Bay Healthworks, 534 Blockhouse Bay Rd, 09 626 4915
Beauty Shop, Dannemora, Auckland, www.newway.co.nz
World Mart, 67 Wairau Rd, Glenfield,Auckland www.healthfarm.co.nz
Health2000 Manukau, Westfield Manukau City, 09 263 0547
Health2000 St Lukes, Shop 904, Westfield St Lukes Shopping Center, 09 845 8143
Health2000 Sylvia Park, Sylvia Park Shopping Centre, 286 Mt Wellington Highway, 09 573 1080
Health2000 Lynnmall, New Lynn Mall 3058 Great North Road New Lynn, 09 826 5348
Healthpost New Zealand www.healthpost.co.nz
Travelpharm Auckland Airport, Domestic and International Terminals, 09 275 7712, www.thenz.co.nz
Naturalpharm, Unit F, 16 Bishop Dunn Place, Botany, Auckland, www.thenz.co.nz
Kiwi Discoveries, Auckland Airport, International Terminal, www.kiwidiscovery.co.nz
GetHerbs海康保健品连锁, Shop 14, 100 Don McKinnon Drive, Albany, Auckland
GetHerbs海康保健品连锁, Unit 8, 16 Gooch Place, Meadowland, Auckland
Umai优买保健品连锁,3B Cook Street, Hamilton
Health Element, Auckland, www.healthelement.co.nz
Fusion Health, 25 Waterloo Road, Lower Hutt, Wellington
NZ Deals, Wellington, www.nz-deals.co.nz
Charming Land NZ, Christchurch, www.charmingsouvenirsnz.co.nz
Goodstore trading as Health New Zealand stores
Available in five Auckland locations:
161 Hobson Street, Auckland CBD. 09 303 0123
360 Queen Street, Auckland CBD. 09 377 9977
75 View Road, Glenfield. 09 444 9944
Unit D 312 Ti Rakau Drive, East Tamaki, Auckland. 09 271 0179
4 Moselle Ave, Henderson. 09 836 3750
Living Nature is a New Zealand brand recognised for our expertise in creating safe, natural skincare solutions since 1987. Our skincare and makeup products feature pure New Zealand plant-based ingredients, with no toxic chemicals. We know nature works to help you look your best – especially for acne-prone skin and to nourish, hydrate and soothe dry or sensitive skin.
Discover the benefits of our healthy skincare and makeup with the reassurance that we are certified natural by BDIH of Germany and rated one of the world’s safest skincare brands on the SkinDeep Cosmetics Database. We are proud to be offered in the shops as above, along with the option to send our products to your friends and family in China. We welcome you to share this special New Zealand brand.
You can also view our complete stockist listing here.